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RSmart Systems
RSmart provide a full service offering for any Ground handler (Above and Below wing) GSP as well as self-handling airlines and airports. All services are Mobile smart phone enabled.
RSmart RMS
Ground Handlers with complex roster patterns whether Passenger (above wing) Ramp (below wing) and cargo ramp movement or warehouse staff management will all find efficiencies by automating rosters. With 30,000+ staff using our automated and integrated rostering services (RMS) across three Continents we can certainly claim to have a robust tried and tested solution that is smart phone enabled where required. Typical Cost of labour savings can be 8%+/- depending on how efficient existing processes might be. But it’s not just a way to save staff costs, management time is also saved and with transparent on the day oversight and intervention quality is improved, compliance with training, airline accreditations (for example Load Control and DGR etc) are made easy and our system prevents any staff being assigned to duties they are not eligible to perform.
Every solution is configurable because every operation will have different Country HR laws, different Union agreements, different airport layouts, different customer requirements and SLA and so on. A key element of what Rsmart bring to the table is this awareness of your operating needs and constraints and the expertise to work with you for a customised outcome. We pride ourselves on us fitting into your operation and we don’t expect you to fit into a “cookie cutter” approach from Rsmart. Small enough to be nimble but with the deep IT and Ground Handling expertise to make a real difference to your operation.Budgeting becomes easy, re-forecasting staff costs and identifying peak time staff or skills shortages becomes factual not opinions and guesses. Answering “what if” questions is very simple –what if we win this one per day at peak time? Can we afford to lose this off peak arrival?
Rostering is a standalone module but we can integrate this into any/all your existing software or we can offer a full service adding modules for example:
Leave Management module – meaning that leave applications become simple, building in skills and annualised hours etc including a “fairness element” and giving management the ability to intervene as require
Billing modules. By capturing ALL the data of services performed during every turnaround our Billing module then automates billing for all services and ensures especially the risk of missing additional services performed over and above a standard turn as defined in the SGHA with each airline but capturing additional services, additional tows, second push back, GPU, FEP and etc are very easy to miss in a paper based environment. One major GHA found over 7.5% of such revenue missed in a study a few years ago. This also builds a data bank for each airline enabling renegotiating SGHA can be based on factual knowledge
Rsmart Aircraft Turnaround Management (ATM)
Rsmart ATM, also called by customers as SmarTurn, captures and records all the turnaround activities digitally in real-time. Escalates and alerts the SLA deviations and helps the real-time activities.
Rsmart Passenger with Reduced Mobility (PRM)
GHA and Airlines Self Handling their PRM service are served with our PRM management tool. Using our successful rostering skills as its base the tool manages both staff and wheelchairs predicting demand, allocating resources, linking to booking and ad hoc “walk ups” on the day.
The outstanding feature is the ability to record time and date stamp at every key point of the push meaning complaints handling becomes fact based and simple. The ability for customers to record their satisfaction with the service at its completion means that staff have a motivation to provide excellent service as the passenger uses the tool to grade quality of service. SLA and Management reporting to prove compliance with license/airport requirements is customised for each customer.
Rsmart Training Information systems (TIMS)
Rsmart Training Information Management System maintains all your staff training records with alerts for refresher or retraining, alerts for currency (e.g. Load Control etc) and license expiry. This not only makes for a safer and compliant work environment but reassures your airlines and the airport operator that audits will find you 100% compliant with up to date records easily accessible giving a competitive advantage when tendering for new business or renewals of contracts or licenses to operate.
Rsmart Billing Management System (BMS)
Record and manage all your GHA contracts with time and date stamped contract amendments. Timely expiry alerts enable timely renegotiations or RFP. Having an up to date contract file completely automates your billing and saves lots of manual work and reconciliation disputes. Getting invoices right first time saves time and improves cash flow and takes away a reason for disputes.
Service recording with time and date stamped internal and external team approvals, alerts and escalations for deviations, the complete data capturing for SLA tracking and billing. Especially valuable is capturing data on additional services performed that are chargeable. Not only giving you revenue capture but providing valuable knowledge of services by customer to help negotiate future contracts with facts not anecdotes.
The most time consuming task for Ground handlers and Ground handling companies can be the billing process to the Airlines. This gap between the Ground handlers and Airlines creates disputes and payment issues. With Rsmart Mobile based service capturing and service acknowledgement, you bill your customer accurately and no more revenue leakages.
Resource Management Systems
Specific solutions for Small to Medium Size airports include a range of core systems and products. However,it should be noted that many of these systems are also used in larger airports. The integration and configuration of such systems for large airports is conducted on a project-by-project basis.
Rexor Technology Ltd address both airport extensions and new builds, working with the design architect and prime building contractors, to ensure that any issues are identified and resolved at the outset, rather than during the project implementation period where such changes inevitably cause project delays and cost overruns.
Rexor Technology Ltd fully respects the “Green” environmental initiative that is recognised as a vital element of the aviation business,which we address and support at both a strategic and tactical level.
Landside Operational Systems
- Airport Management Systems including FIDS, FSMS, AODB & RMS
- CUTE/CUPPS, CUSS, Self-Boarding, Self-Service Immigration Gates
- Baggage Handling Systems
- Baggage Reconciliation Systems
- Cargo and Air Freight Facilities
- Simulation and Modelling
- Retail -Property Management
- Energy Management & Efficiency
- Public Address Systems
- Automatic Voice Announcement System
- Master Clock
- People Tracking
- Airport Seating & Baggage Trolley
- Car Parking Systems
- Lighting Protection & Earthing Systems
Airside & Apron Systems
- Apron / Ramp Management
- Workforce Management
- RSmart Systems
- Vehicle Location and Tracking
- Airfield Ground Lighting
- Airfield Fixed Signage
- Apron Lighting
- AeroBridges, VDGS, UPS
- Overflight Billing
- Airport Approach Charts:
Azimuth Associates
Azimuth Associates is a highly respected independent aviation and business research consultancy. Working with airport operators, investors, and government, their purpose is to provide analysis and insight into the future direction and potential for airport development around the world, including air traffic forecasting for both cargo and passenger markets. The robustness of their forecasting approach and output has been tested many times in the UK legal system, where they provide expert witness services.
They are also heavily involved in preparing airports for the introduction next generation propulsion aircraft, and in the use of remotely piloted cargo aircraft.
ICONICARGO, provide integrated rapid deployment cargo logistic systems for use with traditional cargo airport operations, as well as future cargo Remotely Piloted Cargo Aircraft (RPCA) operations. ICONICARGO facilities can be manually operated or fully robotically automated and are rapidly deployable in most areas of the world. The technology and processes have been developed in close consultation with a major international cargo operator.
Ensuring the clean, safe, rapid transit of goods, the ‘ready to fly’ product facilities are equipped with technology and systems at the forefront of global progress in the sector. Originally and independently showcased in Coventry in 2022 alongside UAP’s Cargo One, the ICONICARGO product range can incorporate fully automated collection points so parcels, packages, and post can be dropped off and flown to destinations in the quickest possible time, representing a significant innovation in the aviation industry.